Cases: 1 2
CASE 1: To give a clear example of this state that can easily lead to cancer this 62 year old man is a perfect case. He came to see me in rather a bad state: he was emaciated and there was a look of death in his eyes. Investigation in hospital revealed cancer in the colon with metastasis (ingrowing hydronephroses) in the right ureter. He is operated on for removal of the right colon, sigmoid, jejunum, the right kidney and gallbladder. His life expectation is only some months and the surgeon didn’t take pains to close the wound properly. But the patient refuses palliative chemotherapy and immediately starts the homeopathic and orthomolecular treatment. The most important thing now is to understand why he got cancer. He is the eldest of three children, a dreamer with an enormous tendency to fantasy and with a certain paranormal gift. He is left handed and already at the nursery school and at primary school he is forced to write with his right hand, the teacher caning him on his fingers and on his buttocks; he still has the mark on his buttocks , he says. He doesn’t feel accepted in his family, because he is so different. When he was six the second world war broke out and he remembers clearly how a German solder broke his toy saxophone when he was serenading to a column of German soldiers marching into his town. At ten he is sent to a boarding-school, where he is happy because he is accepted as a person and can exercise his painting abilities. His father is a world-famous artist and he knows him as a good and incorruptible man, open to everything that is good and worthwhile. But later he will have problems with his father, when he starts his own career as a painter, in finding his own identity and not as the son of the famous ....He grows up in a very severe dogmatic family, strongly under the influence of his grandparents, his father mostly being busy or absent and his mother running a shop. He receives a lot of disapproval in his early childhood and his self-confidence is below zero. Later he works as a teacher in painting and drawing in a secondary school and marries at thirty. His hobbies are drawing, music, theater, reading and nature. He has a phobia of water, some fear of high places, can enjoy tremendously lightings and storms. He is always on time and inwardly angry when other people are late. His work has to be perfect (100%), but otherwise he is rather untidy. His marriage is catastrophic. ‘I gave up everything for her. All my activities, all my personal ambitions and pleasures such as the theater, music, painting. I painted at school, telling my wife I had to stay longer because of a teachers’ meeting. I felt deeply unhappy, I sacrificed myself because I had committed myself with her and I wanted to stick to my word. I loved her and accepted everything also because of the children. I am not able to fight and only feel an enormous anger inside. She always wanted to change me, and even my own children don’t accept me as I am. When she left me after 22 years I felt broken, as I could never have done that, but later I felt a sense of liberation and was happy with it.’ This strong feeling of adapting to what he once promised and never give up brings us to another aspect of his character. He is very organized, plans everything, wants to finish things the same day, he follows rules conscientiously (when meaningful). He is angry when other people disobey traffic rules. He can be very angry in his heart about injustice. He says: ‘The greatest injustice is that I am never accepted.’ He is very persevering: when he wants to achieve something, he is sure to attain it. All this indicates clearly his Cuprum side and therefore the homeopathic remedy he needs will be Carcinosinum cum Cuprum. Besides there is a lot of cancer in his family. His father died at age 49 from cancer, all his uncles and aunts from both sides got cancer and he also has a lot of cousins and nieces with cancer. His mother died at age 87 from ‘old age’. But a homoeopathic remedy alone will probably not be sufficient to cure this patient. The patient has to be convinced that it is worthwhile to go for it, if it is for prolongation of life, for a better condition of life or for cure. Any possibility is valuable and worthwhile to go for. This is not false hope as so often said. This is giving yourself as much of a chance as you can get. Cure is only possible if you believe in it, if you feel stronger than your cancer. Therefore the support by the doctor is important. Other measures are also important to sustain the body in its effort to throw the cancer out. The treatment of free radicals with vitamin. C, E, Selenium and bioflavonoids, the restoration of the copper and zinc equilibrium, the harmonization of the home, organic food with a good quantity of vegetables and fruit and little or no meat, sufficient rest, natural clothes and connection with the earth by wearing shoes with leather soles to minimize static electricity. Also good bowel movement is important. Shark cartilage can be important to check vascularization of the tumor. I give this in 4CH now because good shark cartilage is very expensive and because I believe that in potentised form it can transmit also the quality of the shark, namely be more aggressive and defend yourself better. The killing of millions of sharks every year for this purpose is also an important aspect for me that urged me to look for another solution. But I have been doing this only for quite a short time and cannot say much about the results. The first two persons who were controlled with life blood tests after taking this remedy for one month have very active white blood cells. So the first results are very encouraging.
This patient, five months after his operation, is doing quite well. He feels in good condition, his appetite in good again and his weight is increasing by one kilogram every week, he has no pain and feels happy. He has started painting again. Concerning the homoeopathic treatment I started with CCC LM6 every day, but now he feels better I changed it to CCC 30K twice a week.
CASE 2: this 53 year old lady came to me with osteoporosis as her main complaint. She says about herself that she is not persevering and that she never was able to stand for herself. She was born during WWII, the third of five children. Her father and mother had a confectioner’s shop and she was brought up by nurses. She had to work all the time even as a child and she wanted to play and run away. There was no place for feelings and she needed attention, which she found with a girl friend of her mother’s who unfortunately died when the patient was just 20. Then she sought consolation with a married man for four years and there she was caressed for the first time in her life. But it was a difficult relationship and finally she got overwrought. Then she was treated by a psychiatrist . Even now my self-confidence is zero she says. In my mother’s eyes everybody was good, all other children were clever, but we were stupid. My sister tried hard to be the best, but I didn’t do anything, and that gave me a lot of trouble with my mother. She was very dictatorial and I fought with her until her death. I still feel angry with her. My father was a nice man, but he never intervened; I never knew him well. I have felt nervous all my life. I have no attachments. My body is as if I have a phobia for it. I have a lot of fears: of high places, of narrow places, of crowd, of cancer, a tremendous fear of spiders and thunderstorms. (I feel nervous before them.) My body is full of static electricity and I walk almost always bare feet. I love to read and do puzzles. My mother had rheumatism, my father died from a stroke. My mother’s father, her brother and my grandfather’s sister on her side died of cancer. I only eat in the evening and dislike bread and farinaceous food (this is the expression of her Saccharum layer). I wake up frequently at 2.30 a.m. and am sleepless after that. I prescribed her Carcinosinum 30K, once a week.
Then gradually she feels better. In the beginning she has cystitis, but she is less tense, feels more confident, and drove for the first time in four years on the highway. Five months later she says: I have become someone else. I feel the need for spiritual books and I feel connected with the cosmos, which gives me a feeling of happiness. I had completely lost my believe in God before, but now I feel his existence again. My mother was a fanatic catholic and sent me to church every day. After a dose of Carcinosinum I feel relaxed and content and don’t have any urge to perform. At the end of the two weeks (she takes now 200K) I feel much more the need to work and to be active. Now again after two months I feel that I have to do something for all these new things, all this love, so I decided to stop smoking, which I never was able to do during my whole life. I made a promise to myself. I sucked my thumb until I started to smoke at age seventeen. But life now seems empty to me, I am missing something.
Here we see the shift to the Saccharum layer: she needed so much attention in her childhood and she compensated it with sucking and later on with smoking cigarettes. This was her only satisfaction and consolation. But at this point I did not change her remedy because she still feels the benefit of it and that will help the saccharum picture to come up still more clearly.
In this case the mother played the role of the disapproving father and the father himself added to it by his absence and non involvement.
(Taken from: Homoeopathic Links 1/98)