development of the mental picture
The mental picture of Cuprum metallicum is relatively unknown to most homoeopaths. In order to develop the essence of a remedy, a number of cured cases need to be systematically analyzed and followed-up. It takes painstaking work to trace down the picture and additions of a remedy. At the same time it is a fascinating process to see the essence emerging and the variety of images presented in our patients. In this article the author presents 20 cases of Cuprum and summarizes his experience with this remedy.
The mental image of Cuprum metallicum has slowly unfolded itself to me during about two years. My approach was to systematically ask all new patients in whom I considered Cuprum, all the symptoms that I found in previous successful Cuprum cases. In this way it was possible to verify the frequency of known symptoms and to add new symptoms. In this way I was able from 20 cases with a clear constitutional improvement to construct the mental image of Cuprum. With the years my experience with Cuprum metallicum increased and my insight in the deeper ground of this remedy revealed itself to me.
In some way the essence of this remedy is the same as that of Carcinosinum, but the way the Cuprum patient is handling his fundamental problem is different from the pure Carcinosin patient. I would describe the essence as: want of self-confidence with very strong desire to prove that he is not worthless by holding everything under his control. So there is much more power and strong will in Cuprum than in Carcinosinum. He tries to control his life at every price and prove that he can make it. This makes him inflexible, very respectful of rules, cautious, fastidious, fanatic, ambitious, persevering, dictatorial, hard worker, planning everything, good organizer and successful. When we study the causations of this remedy we find at the base of his behavior a great lack of approbation or constant disapproval, undermining of self-confidence, too high expectations from the parents, lack of opportunities to realize his abilities, to make a career. He lives constantly in too much stress causing mental or physical exhaustion and overexertion of mind. Because of his control he is unable to let go his emotions.
On the physical level there is always some form of cramp or tension: migraine, epilepsy, asthma, hypertension, angina pectoris, tension in the neck and shoulders and cramps in the muscles, especially the toes.
Once the essence of Cuprum Metallicum is understood, it appears to be more frequently indicated than we would expect. The most difficult differential is with Carcinosinum, which has many symptoms in common. The provings of Templeton on Carcinocin show a cerebral torpor and mental inertia together with a feeling of tightness or constriction. Some publications stress the rigidity of the personality and lack of adaption. I understood after years of prescribing both remedies Cuprum and Carcinosinum that this rigid side is part of the Cuprum picture and if present in an apparent Carcinosin patient belongs to the Copper part more or less present in these patients. The remedy should be then Carcinosinum cum Cuprum.
Another differential is with Arsenicum Album because of the enormous anxiety, fear of death, fastidiousness, cautiousness, amelioration from occupation, anxious restlessness and anticipation. But in the Arsenicum patient there is much more dependence, he needs others to be reassured and to feel in security. The Cuprum patient presents itself much more as a strong personality who relies only on himself and hates to be dependant on others. Cuprum arsenicosum can be a good choice when in a Cuprum patient there is a tremendous anxiety and restlessness.
Cuprum children can be very difficult because of their great tension, irritability and maliciousness. They are not soft children and are difficult to handle with aversion to touch or to be approached. They can be timid with fear of strangers and aggressiveness, driving the parents to despair.