AG = Alphons Geukens, Belgium; DF = D.M. Foubister, England; DC = Dorothy Cooper, England; HH = Hui Bon Hoa, France; PL = Pladijs, Belgium; PO = Proceso Sanchez Ortega, Mexico; TS = Tinus Smits, Holland; WT = Templeton, England
CAUSATIONS: rudeness (PO,TS), sensitive to rudeness (3); domination for a long time (?,TS); excessive parental control (DF), harsh upbringing (TS); absence of the father (TS); too much responsibility too early (DF,TS); a too great effort to please his parents, especially the father; lack of approbation or constant disapproval (TS), undermining of self-confidence (TS), too high expectations from the parents (TS); lack of opportunities to realize his abilities, to make a career; being obliged to do things against his will; long lasting grief (TS), prolonged fear (DF,TS), long lasting unhappiness (DF,TS); mental, emotional and physical suppression (TS); anticipation (DF,TS); vaccination (PO,TS)
- ASPECT: blue sclera (DF,TS); frequent blinking of eye lids (WT,TS); numerous moles, especially on the back (DF,TS); cafe-au-lait spots (DF,TS); warts on soles (AG,TS) or on palms (TS); patient whose life has been a long hard struggle (DF,TS)
- FAMILY HISTORY of cancer (DF)
- WEAK DEFENSE MECHANISMS on the mental, emotional and physical plane (TS)
- LACK OF REACTIVITY; no fever for a very long time (DC,TS)
- The usual childhood illnesses appear later in life and are often very severe; common childhood illnesses often absent or occur more than once (DF); tendency to have an inflammatory illness very early in life (whooping cough or pneumonia) (DF); from repeated suppressions of inflammatory diseases in childhood (?,TS)
- LACK OF CONFIDENCE (?,TS); fear of failure (TS); anxiety about making mistakes (TS); sensitivity to reprimand (DF) TIMIDITY (WT)
- EASILY OFFENDED, takes everything in bad part (4)
- FASTIDIOUS (3) in his work (TS); UNTIDY except for what he is working on (TS); desire to ARRIVE ON TIME for an appointment (TS); fears to make mistakes (TS); tendency to adapt overly to the requirements of other people to deserve their approval, fears to be criticized (TS)
- Excessive sense of DUTY (WT,TS), feeling responsible for everything (TS)
- WORKAHOLIC; feeling of guilt when taking rest without having finished all the work; even when sitting he has the feeling that he must do something: reading, knitting, crocheting, etc. (TS)
- INABILITY TO REFUSE ANYTHING; WANTS ALWAYS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY; feeling of guilt when refusing anything; occupied with the needs of others, but completely unaware of his owns; permits others to overstep his own boundaries (TS)
- ANTICIPATION, anxiety anticipating an engagement (WT,TS); anxiety when people are late (DF); anxiety about others (1)
- SYMPATHETIC (2); anxiety about others (1)
- FEAR of CANCER (?,TS); in a crowd (HH,TS); in narrow places (PL,TS); in high places (?,TS); spiders (TS), mice (TS), snakes (TS); failure in examinations (1,TS); failure (TS); thunderstorms (?,TS)
- HORRIBLE THINGS affect him profoundly (HH,TS); cannot watch murder, suffering, cruelties, surgery, etc. on TV (TS)
- Sensitive to MUSIC (DF,TS); weeps from music (DF,TS)
- Loves DANCING (3); marked sense of rhythm (DF,TS)
- Desire to READ (PL,TS) or DYSLEXIA (AG,TS) or impossibility to read because of a difficult concentration (TS) or mental exhaustion; difficult concentration during conversation (TS)
- Desire to TRAVEL (2); NAUSEA RIDING in an automobile (1,TS)
- SLEEPLESS (2); difficult to fall asleep, overactive ideas (DF,TS), needs several hours to fall asleep (TS); wakens at 4 a.m. (DF,TS); short sleep amel.; sleepless during a large part of the night (WT,TS); unrefreshing sleep (WT,TS); waking at 4 a.m. (DF,TS); sleepless after 4 a.m. (DF,TS)
- EXHAUSTION (DC,TS), when overtaxed and overworked, too much pressure
- DULLNESS (1); confusion of mind (1); difficult concentration while studying, reading, etc. (TS); weakness of memory (1)
- Obstinate (DF,TS)
- Bites nails (DF,TS)
- MAIN PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS: hayfever (?,TS); chronic, long continued coryza; chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis (DF,TS); infectious MONONUCLEOSIS (DF); acne (1,TS); fibromas (1,TS), ovarian cysts (TS); sterility (TS); warts on soles and palms of hands (AG,TS); acne, pustules on the back (TS); severe acne (TS); molluscum contagiosum (TS)
- AGG.: BEFORE MENSES: aggressiveness, sadness, irritability, industrious, swelling of mammae, painful mammae (TS)
- AMEL.: short sleep (1,TS); occupation (TS)
- DESIRES: chocolate (2)
- Aspect: tics, grimaces (1,TS); frequent blinking of eyelids (WT,TS); biting nails (DF,TS); timidity (WT)
- CAUSATIONS: vaccination (PO,TS), too much responsibility (DF,TS), harsh upbringing (TS), excessive parental control (DF)
- LACK OF REACTIVITY (DC); no fever (TS); the usual childhood illnesses appear later in life, often very severe; common childhood illnesses often absent or suppressed (DF,TS)
- Tendency to severe INFLAMMATORY illness, usually whooping cough or pneumonia in early life (DF,TS)
- Tendency to be a model child, adapting overly to the requirements of the parents to deserve their approval and love (TS)
- PRECOCITY from too much responsibility (DF,TS)
- SCAPEGOAT (?,TS); he is teased a lot by other children because they feel his weak defense (TS)
- Sensitive to REPRIMAND (DF,TS)
- Desire to read (PL,TS)
- Loves ANIMALS (DF,TS); loves nature (?,TS)
- OBSTINATE (DF), disobedient children (WT), resisting the parental control (WT); intolerant of CONTRADICTION (?,TS)
- SLEEPLESS children (DF)
- Fear of spiders (TS), thunderstorms (DF)
- ANGER with tendency to DESTROY things (?,TS)
- Frequent coryza (WT)
- Bites nails (DF,TS)